Blog #31 - Flicknife Records
Tuesday, 08 December 2020 16:23

Blog #31

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We’re back once again, for another round of "Someone let me talk to the masses, what a mistake that was" Also known, as the Flicknife Blog!
Yeash, it’s been a wild few months, eh? But don’t worry, there’s always a way to finish the year on a high and I just happen to know exactly what it is. So, if you want to make sure you have a rocking Christmas, and a rock-tastic New Years, listen close:

Cast your mind back! It’s March, 1982 and you’re listening to DOREMI FASOL LATIDO, watching Only Fools and Horses and drinking a cool glass of Pepsi, because some things are timeless. As you sit there, it hits you. What could be better, than sitting, listening to an album by your all-time favourite band, Hawkwind? Simple: listening to an album of Hawkwind, their friends, and some relations!
And thus, it came to being: Hawkwind Friends and Relations. One of the greatest album series of all time. But wait, there’s more!
Fast forward to today. Now, while you sit in that same old beanbag chair, listening to HFAR and thinking of better times, you can do it while wearing AWESOME t-shirts, featuring Hawks sleeves-inspired art! Aww yeah!

HFAR Volume 1
HFAR Volume 2
HFAR Volume 3

Yup, our previous entry into the world of wearable awesomeness went SO well, that we decided to expand our line. So, I’m here today to introduce THREE new lines of shirts, straight from the Flicknife Press. The FlickPress...

Our first line, as mentioned above, is the HFAR T-shirt line! Featuring the first three original volumes (as it was meant to be a trilogy) plus the 'Best Of', in pride of place on a shirt.

HFAR Best Of

Flicknife Motorhead

Our second fantastic line is the "Flicknife Originals" line. Featuring some of our classic artworks, without our label, emblazoned onto top quality, premium tees!

Flicknife Valium 10

The final new addition is the "Flicknife Line" which takes our artworks from those classic releases and adds the only thing which could possibly improve them. Us! The Flicknife logo, in large, hidden in plain sight, behind the other artwork.

Flicknife Valium 10

Flicknife Skullprint T-Shirts

Oh, you lucky people! To have such a fun selection of amazing, high quality shirts to pick from. All made by our wonderful friends over at Skull Print! Click/tap the image to the left to see our range at Skullprint!

Well, the first rule of showbiz is always leave them wanting more so I’ll take my leave now!
From everyone here at the Flicknife offices: have a safe, happy and cool shirt covered Christmas. I think everyone has earned an extra special day, this year. And fingers crossed, 2021 will see us all emerging from our caves, to re-join whatever is left of the world, and get back to rocking hard the punkadelic way!

Punkadelic T-Shirt

So until next time...

Catch you on the flipside.

Taheg Gloder, and the Flicknife Kru

Read 7454 times Last modified on Wednesday, 10 March 2021 20:08
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