Blog #30 - Flicknife Records
Thursday, 03 September 2020 19:18

Blog #30

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Yeash. Well, it’s September. We’re still on lockdown?! ‘Rona refuses to leave. I think it’s safe to say, by this point we’re bouncing back and forth between angry, confused and resigned to spending this whole year hiding away drinking tea and watching ‘Only Fools and Horse’ on repeat.

Of course, here at Flicknife, we’d never even CONSIDERED letting something as small as that stop us from our task. We’ve been working since ’79. We’ve seen off everything history has thrown at us this far and we’ll see this off too. So, we’ve got a few wonderful releases for you today, to keep your spirits high and the good vibes flowing, until we all emerge on the other side of this current trauma.
How about we get started, then?

We dug around, looked under some roots, flipped over a few stones and we might have just ‘scavenged’ up some new tracks for you!

That’s right folks, The Scavengers are back! Forged like Damascus steel from former members of Crazyhead and Gaye Bykers On Acid, the Scavengers never fail to impress. So check out their epic new release 'Rights of Salvage' (SHARPCD20117 release date 25/09/2020), featuring 11 brand new tracks. It’ll be available as a digital download from all the good stockists and most of the rubbish ones. BUT, if you’re a special kind of legend, you can swing by our store and get one of the very, VERY, VERY special limited edition CDs. They’ll be first come first served. And trust me, these are going to fly out, so you’d better hurry!

If you want a little something to whet your whistle, and see what you're in for, check out 'Leave Me Here Drinking' for a taste of their signature psychedelic garage sound. Enjoy!

For those that want a more earthy vibe, we’ve got something special lined up for you. We don’t have a release date set, yet. We don’t actually have an album title, either... But what we DO have, is a new album from The Filthy Spectacula that we’ll be releasing as a limited run CD, so watch this space because trust me, it’ll be worth the wait! If you need any evidence to back that claim up, refresh your memory of how great these guys are by listening to the fan favourite: Drinkski Song

We also have four albums in the making so you won’t go short on sounds!

Lastly, to quote a perpetual disappointment "Winter is coming!". So, why not wrap up nice and warm, with some awesome Flicknife merch?

Yup, we’ve entered the shirt game, and I’ve got to say, they're proving pretty darn popular! So why not join the cool kids, and pick one up here:

They’re classic designs, based on Flicknife sleeves from yesteryear. All designed by our Glorious Founder, Frenchy! Made and sold by our good friends over at Skull Print, they’re high quality shirt, with legendary designs. What’s not to love! Order one now, and tweet pics of you wearing them to us on the Social Medias, and show the world the power of the Flickers!

Alright, I think that’s all the business we have for you this time! So stay safe out there. Listen to great music, try to stay sane (or as sane as you’ve ever been, anyway!), and keep your ear out for these excellent albums we’ll be sending your way soon. From everyone here at Flicknife, we want to thank our amazing fans for their continual support.

Support independent labels, support independent music, and as always...

I’ll catch you on the flipside!

Taheg Gloder and the Flicknife Kru.

Read 6606 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 December 2020 16:51
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