If all those glowing reviews have sold you, why not pick up your copy now? You’d better hurry, we’re down to our last few copies with the poster, after that you’ll only be able to buy the album all on its own and it’ll be so very lonely...
It’s been a busy couple of months, since we last spoke! Hope you’re all doing well. At least as well as Paradise 9! Their new album 'Science Fiction Reality' (that we mentioned in our last blog) has dropped and it's doing REALLY well. Lots of great radio plays and some great coverage in the press! But why would you take our word for it? Why not check out some of the reviews here?
Even punks bloggers got in on the praise with a 4 stars review on the Punk Site.
See? Told you it was doing well! And it doesn’t end there, we’ve got some more reviews coming out: look for a piece in an upcoming issue of Shindig! You don’t want to miss it.
If all those glowing reviews have sold you, why not pick up your copy now? You’d better hurry, we’re down to our last few copies with the poster, after that you’ll only be able to buy the album all on its own and it’ll be so very lonely...
Of course, albums are fine an’ all, but nothing beats seeing your favourite tracks performed LIVE! And that’s possible now, so why not check out some of these great shows, coming up soon:
23rd July - Kozfest Woolacombe, Devon
4th Aug - Half Moon, Putney SW15 1EU
Buy Tickets
26th Aug - Prince Albert, Brighton BN1 4ED
Buy Tickets
17th Sept - Glastonbury PsychFest, The King Arthur, Glastonbury BA6 9NB
Buy Tickets
And that’s not all we’ve got for you. Our latest offering "FLIPSIDE FREAKS RED" is almost ready to head off to mastering! Trust me folks, this is not an album you’ll want to miss! Just LOOK at this freakin’ track listing!
How’s that for a slice of psychedelic freakdom!? Get in on the ground floor, this is NOT an album you want to miss! The album should be with you in September (Covid permitting), for Digital Download and CD. We’re also doing a limited run on Vinyl (100 units ONLY!). If you want to register your interest in this most special of edition, click here NOW.
As the saying goes, there’s not rest for the wicked! So, with FLIPSIDE FREAKS RED off to mastering, we’re already starting work on the next volume: FLIPSIDE FREAKS PURPLE! This second volume will have a very different vibe (but still Freaky!). We’re going for an acoustic feel, as well as having tracks from familiar names such as Bridget Wishart, Deep Fixer Don Falcone, Paul Hayles’ Lastwind, One Sided Horse and many more! This is going to be another wild ride!
If you got a track you want to submit for future volumes of FLIPSIDE FREAKS, send your MP3 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
That’s about all, for now! As usual, Flicknife only put out the absolute best music we can find, so what we may lack in quantity of output, we absolutely make up for in QUALITY! I hope you enjoy these gourmet offerings we have for you, and from everyone here at Flicknife, we hope you’re having a good, safe summer, full of good times, great friends and the freakiest of music!
And you didn’t hear it from us... but we may have some really fun news soon, regarding a certain ex-Hawkwind sonic boomer/Flicknife tie-up: keep it under your hat, for now.
Catch you on the flipside.
Taheg Gloder, and the Flicknife Kru
In the article:
Paradise 9 - Science Fiction Reality