Blog #38
Sorry for leaving you all hangin' for so long. It's been a rough few months for all involved, and we've had our share of drama here at the Flicknife Officers. Our Glorious Leader, The Frenchie, messed up his foot and was bouncing in and out of hospital, barely able to walk for months, which slowed things down a touch. But we've got him a little scooter now, so he's back to being an absolute menace. Good Times! So, is anyone else a little disappointed that the eclipse didn't give us all magical powers? I feel a little cheated, myself. All that coverage in the media, social media frothing at the keyboard because the end times were here. Personally, I didn't it realize it WAS an eclipse. When it started getting a little dark in the afternoon, I just figured it was business as usual for the U.K... Ah well, apparently the rapture is coming, at the end of this month, so we'll see if that's any more fun. Assuming the world DOESN'T end, we've got some very fun releases coming up, see if anything here tickles your ear-box.
Blog #32
Spring has sprung. A new season is here, some life has returned to the world. Lockdown is beginning to ease, and there’s a small chance that life may just return to something that resembles normality by June.
So, naturally, we’ve decided it’s time to try something a bit new! Spring is the time for fresh starts so that’s our plan.