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Friday, 10 February 2017 18:39

Blog #10

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Happy New Year everyone! The festive season is over and 2017, possibly the last year before the world ends in a fiery apocalypse, has begun... The Kru has awoken from hibernation and is ready to kick things back into gear. So it’s time to get back to business, and boy do we have some cool updates for you!

First things first, we've got to welcome a great new legendary band to the Flicknife stables, so can you all raise a glass and help me to welcome:


And they've not arrived empty handed, they've brought something great for you wonderful Flickers. So please, enjoy the new single, SPIZZENERGI 'Here Comes The Machines' b/w 'Red & Black' (FLS17086):

SPIZZENERGI - Here Come The Machines>

It'll be with us all, ready to melt your face in early April, so make sure to order soon from all good shops and sites! ;)

To fill your time and your earholes before then, why not check out some of our other fine acts?
Why not pick up 'Subdiffusion', from the always amazing Electric Cake ? You shouted for it and we listened, so it's now available on VINYL! Check it out in our store and pick up your copy today.

Electric Cake Salad - Subdiffusion

Or maybe you've already got all our stock, and are looking for something to read while you listen to them? Well, why not pick up this fun little book, it came out in September, you MIGHT have heard of it...
It's called 'SHARP! Flicknife Records and Other Adventures'.
The insane life story of our Glorious Founder, it's selling like hotcakes spiked with crack! It's doing well on Amazon, but it could always do better, so if you haven't already why not pick up your copy today?

But what if you HAVE already read it? But you've got a Hawkwind shaped itch to scratch...
Why not pick up 'Hawkwind: Sonic Assassins'? Written by long-time friend of the Flickers, Ian Abrahams, this book will soothe your need for more 'Wind stories so do us all a favour and pick it up today!

Hawkwind - Sonic Assassins Book

Welp, that's it for today... Just a short update to say we're still alive and welcome the fantastic SPIZZENERGI to the Kru. We'll be back soon with more exciting news and fun updates, assuming we've not all exploded.

Catch you on the Flipside!

Taheg Gloder

Read 7407 times Last modified on Wednesday, 12 April 2017 18:17
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Taheg Gloder

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